Apply for Homeownership

Are you interested in becoming a homeowner?

Habitat for Humanity of Summit County has built over 200 homes with local families who dreamt of being homeowners. Through the Habitat program we will help you build strength, financial stability and self reliance. If you are interested in building with us, please read the requirements below and download our application or stop in our offices to pick one up.

Family at Ground Breaking

Requirements for Habitat for Humanity Homeownership

  1. Need for adequate shelter
  2. Ability to pay the monthly mortgage which averages between $450 and $650 per month.
  3. Have a total debt to income ratio of 39% or less (divide monthly debt by monthly income).
  4. Willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity for 250 hours of sweat equity per adult by building homes and attending educational classes for homeownership.
  5. Decent and responsible credit including:
    1. Bankruptcy fully discharged for one year
    2. No court ordered debt
  6. All family members to live in the home must pass criminal background check.
  7. Effective December 13, 2018, Habitat requires a $10 (Non-refundable) Application fee to cover part of the cost of the credit report for the Application for Homeownership. Submit a bank check, money order or cash (NO personal checks or credit cards) for $10 payable to “Habitat for Humanity of Summit County” when you turn in your application for homeownership. We do not accept cash or credit cards.


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Applications may be downloaded or picked up from our office during regular office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

To complete an application, you will need to know the following information:

  1. Gross Monthly Income (income before taxes are taken out)
  2. Monthly Expenses
  3. Long Term Expenses (i.e. credit cards, car loans, student loans)
  4. Landlord Information – name, address and telephone number

We do not provide emergency housing. The entire process for a Habitat home, should an applicant be approved, can take anywhere from 12 to 24 months to complete.

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