August is National Make a Will Month

Planned Giving Spotlight: Mary Verstraete “I have always been a saver, waiting on that rainy day. I don’t expect the worst to happen, but I do like to be prepared in case something does. It’s like buying a car or home or health insurance, you don’t like paying...

75% Off Sale at Summit County ReStore

Excludes purchase to resale items and items marked with a red & white tag Excludes purchase to resale items and items marked with a red and white tag, including but not limited to the scratch & dent appliances, new rugs, Omaha paint products, ACE Hardware,...

Election Day Prayer

Go vote! Take the time to prioritize doing your civic duty of voting and once you are done join us in this simple prayer for our country. Watching the news can easily fill your heart with anxiety on the future. God reminds us to take our worry to Him.  “Peace I...

Faith Partners – The Hudson Coalition

The Hudson Coalition is a group of 9 local churches that partner with us every year since 1991 to build a home for a family in Summit County. These churches include Christ Church Episcopal, First Congregational Church, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Hudson United...

Incredible Full Kitchen Remodel for under $3,000

A beautiful kitchen remodel is something we all dream about but the high cost is an obstacle for many homeowners. Kitchen remodels add great resale value to your home but only if you are able to afford the big project. Did you know ReStore sells individual and sets of...