August is National Make a Will Month

Planned Giving Spotlight: Mary Verstraete “I have always been a saver, waiting on that rainy day. I don’t expect the worst to happen, but I do like to be prepared in case something does. It’s like buying a car or home or health insurance, you don’t like paying...

75% Off Sale at Summit County ReStore

Excludes purchase to resale items and items marked with a red & white tag Excludes purchase to resale items and items marked with a red and white tag, including but not limited to the scratch & dent appliances, new rugs, Omaha paint products, ACE Hardware,...
2021 State of Home Affordability in Ohio

2021 State of Home Affordability in Ohio

Help Habitat make the #CostOfHome something we all can afford.  Did you know? In Ohio, 1 in 9 households spend half or more of their income on housing. In total, 42% of renters and 16% of homeowners are cost-burdened, paying more than 30$ of their income on housing. ...